“Human/Object/Thing: Kantor’s Puppets and Bio-Objects.” IN: Theatermachine: Tadeusz Kantor in Context. Ed. Magda Romanska and Kathleen Cioffi. (NOrthwestern University Press, 2020)
“Presenting Death: Uncanny Performing Objects in Taduesz Kantor’s Dead Class.” IN: Puppetry International. #31 Spring/Summer 2012.
“Mainstream Theatre, Mass Media, and the 1985 Premiere of The Normal Heart: Negotiating Forces Between Emergent and Dominant Ideologies.” IN: “We Will Be Citizens”: New Essays on Gay and Lesbian Theatre. Ed. James Fisher. (McFarland 2008)
“Repairing Reality: The Media and Homebody/Kabul in New York, 2001” IN: Tony Kushner: New Essays on the Art and Politics of the Plays. Ed. James Fisher. (McFarland 2006)